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Don’t Wing It: Plan Your NP Practice

Nurse Practitioners in Business

Unfortunately, some practices start with the wing it approach, with an idea and a vision but not much planning. Many Nurse Practitioners enter private practice with a strong passion for patient care but little experience in running a business. Small independent practices are at a disadvantage from the start.

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3 Things to Consider Before You Start a Practice or Business

Nurse Practitioners in Business

We’ve observed a growing interest in how to start a private practice within the Nurse Practitioner community. Now how do people decide what kind of practice or business to start? And how do they prepare for starting one? What are your reservations about starting a practice (business)?

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The First Year: What to Expect When Running a New Nurse Practitioner Practice

Nurse Practitioners in Business

Resources What does It Co$t to Start a Practice Practice Overhead Considerations Building and Retaining Your Patient Base Attracting patients is often slow during the first few months, and thats okay! Most practices grow gradually through word-of-mouth and strategic marketing.