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The Nurses’ Strike Resolved

Empowered Nurses

I hope nurses elsewhere will stand their ground as safe staffing not only improves patient care but also decreases nurse burnout. This result in New York is a great start because change usually occurs on the coasts first.

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How to Fix the Nursing Shortage and Address Burnout: Veteran Nurse Leader Has the Answers

Daily Nurse

During our recent nursing strikes, you’ve discussed the importance of revealing systemic issues healthcare must address. Can you talk about how nurse-specific billing data makes nurses literally and figuratively invisible in terms of political and financial decision-making capacity within the U.S.

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Elevating the voice of nurses through advocacy

American Nurse

Nurse staffing The 2022 ANA Membership Assembly—the association’s governing and official voting body—approved a recommendation to include staffing ratios as an option for relieving the longstanding staffing issues, including nurse burnout, brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic.